Design Guide for Smart Cities™

SMART ENVIRONMENT (Natural Resources): Climate Solutions, Parks and recreation, Pollution, Environmental protection, Sustainable resource management

Adapted from: Smart Cities 1.0 Final Report

SMART MOBILITY (Transportation and ICT): Local accessibility, International and national accessibility, ICT infrastructure, Sustainable, innovative, and safe transportation systems

SMART PEOPLE (Social and Human Capital): Level of qualification, Affinity to life long learning, Diversity, Flexibility, Creativity, Cosmopolitanism / Open-mindedness, Participation in public life

SMART GOVERNANCE (Participation): Citizen participation in decision-making, Public and social services, Justice, Transparent governance, Political strategies and perspectives

"...Please look closely at real cities. While you are looking, you might as well also listen, linger and think about what you see."     - Jane Jacobs

SMART ECONOMY (Competitiveness): Innovative spirit, Entrepreneurship, Economic image, Intellectual Property (IP), Productivity, Flexibility of labor market, International embeddedness, Ability to transform

SMART LIVING (Quality of Life): Happiness, Adult Life Cycle, Cultural facilities, Health conditions, Individual safety, Housing quality, Education facilities, Tourism, Social cohesion, Home logistics